Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's not about me

It seems like life's little storms are not stopping right now. I'm really, honestly not complaining, but it's been, uh, something, for sure.

So my friend Brenda and hubbie asked me to work with them with the little ones, right after we decided to go visit my very ailing aunt in the hospital in Eugene. Then at the last minute, 10 minutes before church was to begin, they decided to move her back to Coos Bay hospital, so we didn't go.

I decided, wet hair and all, that the church family is where I needed to be. So I went and ended up working in the little guys anyway. Ike on the way said: "I wish it were family camp all the time!" Then we talked about that's what church really is....weekly family camp. He got it.

WHAT A BLESSING!!! Those kids were so cute, and they just are sponges. They have exuberance, and they are not jaded. Micah was there. What a blessing, again.

And then, driving back into the storm, that the lesson here is that the storms are not going to stop. BUT when I get out of myself and my issues and my fears and my hurts and my stuff, and look at others, that's the respite. That's the calm.

They asked me to lead a little singing, they don't really need me, but I'm going to do it. And then over a salad at Wendy's, I ran into someone with problems worse than my own and was given a way to help.

This is what Jesus was talking about when he said to take up the cross. It's about dying to our stuff and serving others. The whole foot-washing thing.


Friday, September 4, 2009

First week back for both of us

Typical week to go back to school. Except my teaching partner is gone, so I moved everything around and cleaned out offices to use for science storage.

I have a new office, really big. I splurged on a fridge and microwave, on sale, of course. It's nice to have real food for lunch instead of peanut butter. I got a couch from another teacher and some used lamps. It's really neato.

I am ready. I love this time of year. You get a do-over for any perceived mistakes.

Ike started homeschooling. We are getting so much done. And it feels right. He is relaxed, busy but rested. He's zooming through it pretty fast and gets the attention he needs, but is learning to think more for himself. I think we're all pretty happy so far.

I have decided to sign up for e-harmony for a year. I am not really sure about dating, everything is so long-distance. I am pretty gun-shy.

The real reason I am doing it is to practice. I need to learn to say what I want without apologizing all the time, and I need to practice weeding out the weirdos. So this is worth every penny. I have "met" some interesting ones. One is a Christian music theory from the University of Oregon. He seems nice. We have alot in common, but he likes skinny girls, so I am probably out the door soon.

I could be friends with him. I think this is an interesting way to make new friend connections if anything. It will definitely be an experience worth blogging about this year.

My allergies have come back in full-force. I feel like I have strep throat all the time, which makes me glad Mr. Kruse took the HS band job. I heard the band tonight. They sounded awesome. I'm so glad it worked out so well.

I am studying the book of John again. I am looking for all the things about Jesus and writing them down. It is amazing to study our Lord. He's worth studying.

I'm going to make blackberry jam. That should be interesting.

That's all for now.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The great non-train ride

This whole incident is embarrasing to admit, but here goes.

Yesterday, I was taking the train to Lacey/Olympia to visit the bro. I could have drove, but in the interest of homeschooling....

So everything was fine. In Portland, there was a break, a stop, we could get off. I took my computer/purse with the important stuff and we got off to use the restroom. I told one of the conductors what we were doing, she said that was fine.

We hurried, but the train left without us. With our stuff. In Portland. Last transport anywhere for the day. No rental cars. Rude people.

So, we ended up taking a cab to Portland airport to find a rental car. There are no rental cars left. So my bro picked us up in PDX at 10:05 pm, we arrived in Lacey and bed at 12:30 pm. I located my luggage at lost and found in Seattle Train station, they are sending on first train to Centralia and we will get it by Noon.

Stop laughing.

I know there was a reason for us to go through this. In Portland Airport, a man was trying to get his bags in the car and hold onto his baby, which he was dropping on his head. I loaded his car so the baby could live. Maybe God didn't want us to hear or see something on the train. I'll never know this side of Heaven. But all is well, my bro and I are making as many jokes as we can think of about the whole thing. He's a very, very, VERY good brother.

Ike loves the airport.

I have pictures, but the transfer cord is in my suitcase. More to come.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What a long strange trip it's been

The Grateful Dead had some great lines.

Today, such a great day of kids, finally got my bread to be edible, blackberries....just great.

Then, CL wrote me and told me Franko died. I had to read the daily Astorian to believe it.

None of you know him, he was my past life in Astoria. He called me his sister. I loved him and his wife was my bestest friend. But sometimes, you have to make changes. It has been hard.

Franko took his life yesterday due to horrific pain issues. In November, my ex, who was also friends with Franko and Judy died in a terrible fire. I cannot believe that Judy and my husbands are dead. I just can't believe it.

My prayers are with you Judy. I know you may or may not read this, but I love you and I am here if you need me.

Let's all hug the ones we love and know that God gives us a certain amount of time, time to cherish. Thank you Lord for the love from my family and friends.

Monday, August 24, 2009

What family camp meant to me

I really loved family camp. I took a chance and camped across from my friends, and people I've been a little intimidated by for a couple years now. The gift was that God's family is vast, and there is room for us all.

When I was growing up, we never did anything like family camp. I realize, no criticism to the folks, we SHOULD have been doing these things, to build a strong Christian family and plug into what matters.

The lesson is that I CAN do it differently and learn from mistakes. I can follow the Lord's plan for the family, even if it is just me.

And I am so grateful for my church family. I love them and I feel truly at home with them.

Please bless both of my families Lord. Heal the hearts, make the ties strong and bless the mommies and daddies out there doing it your way. Thank you for family Lord. Thank you for the Church, whom you love.

Decisions made, bread is baking

I don't think there is a connection here, but maybe.

I've decided to homeschool. I've bought the curriculum, pulled his name off the roster, made it all official. I didn't think it would be THIS big of a deal, but I do feel like I've stepped off some kind of cliff.

Ike and I made granola, watched no television, squirted water with Andy and fired up the bread machine. It smells so good in my house tonight, and Ike says homemade granola is way better than commercially boxed cereal. He's happy and so am I. I think this is a little sign from God.

We ride the train on Wednesday and have a berry-picking party tomorrow. What a life I lead. I don't know why God chose to bless me so amazingly, but he did, so thank you Lord for it all.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's life Jim, but not as we know it

Lately, I have been experiencing a paradigm shift. My parents are fully retiring, I am finding the things I thought were more important than they really are have to go...the usual getting older stuff.

I am grateful for my brother, Jim, for his support and help along this phase's journey. He's a good guy, and you're lucky if you get to know him.

I'm also really considering homeschooling.....any thoughts people?
